lung disease names
They are caused by clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels. They are traditionally divided into upper respiratory tract infections and lower respiratory tract infections. Examples of these conditions are: Pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that forms in a vein, breaks free, travels through the heart and lodges in the lungs (thromboembolism). Various lung diseases affect the interstitium: Interstitial lung disease (ILD). The sufferers face breathing problem, which … Some of these types of lung diseases include tuberculosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. Coal worker's pneumoconiosis. Malignant tumours, or cancers of the respiratory system, particularly lung cancers, are a major health problem responsible for 15% of all cancer diagnoses and 29% of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer is easily the most feared lung cancer illness. The chance of surviving lung cancer depends on the cancer stage at the time the cancer is diagnosed and is only about 14-17% overall. Asbestosis. Pulmonary vascular diseases are conditions that affect the pulmonary circulation. They are a common and important cause of illness and death. The majority of respiratory system cancers are attributable to smoking tobacco. In the case of metastases to the lung, treatment can occasionally be curative but only in certain, rare circumstances. Lung disease doesn’t play favourites. The most common lower respiratory tract infection in is pneumonia, a lung infection. Some types of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid … LUNG DISEASE 2 Discussion 2 Question DB2 Asthma versus Chronic Bronchitis If I were allowed to choose between Asthma and chronic bronchitis, I would instead choose chronic bronchitis. In worst cases, pneumonia can render people to have diarrhea, experience vomiting and nausea and chest pains. Pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae in Western countries. After metastasis to the liver, colon cancer frequently metastasizes to the lung. Examples of benign tumours are: Pleural cavity diseases include emphysema and mesothelioma which are mentioned above. Das deutsche Wort Lunge stammt über seine althochdeutsche Form lunguna letztlich von der indogermanischen Wurzel *lenguh leicht (in Bewegung und Gewicht) ab, sodass von der ursprünglichen Bedeutung als die Leichte ausgegangen werden kann. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The major types of respiratory system cancer are: In addition, since many cancers spread via the bloodstream and the entire cardiac output passes through the lungs, it is common for cancer metastases to occur within the lung. Benign tumours are relatively rare causes of respiratory disease. The study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. The most common types of lung diseases begin with asthma. More than 86,000 people are likely living with NTM lung disease in the … Sarcoidosis (“sar-koy-do-sis”) is a disease that causes swelling in the cells in different organs of your body. The main cause of lung cancer cigarette smoking and as a matter of fact 90% of all lung cancer cases are caused by that. This is not intended to be a list of rare diseases, nor is it a list of mental disorders.. Pulmonary haemorrhage, inflammation and damage to capillaries in the lung resulting in blood leaking into the alveoli. The most common cause of this would be germs and bacteria as well as viruses in the body. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a disease of the lungs in which your lungs become inflamed as an allergic reaction to inhaled dust, fungus, molds or chemicals. It can start with a simple cough, fever and shortness of breath. This is a list of common, well-known or infamous diseases.This is neither complete nor authoritative. Pneumonia belongs to the types of lung diseases that pertains to infected lungs. It may occur when an injury to the lungs triggers an abnormal healing response. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease belongs to types of lung diseases that are affecting the trachea too. Some of these types of lung diseases include tuberculosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. It usually affects your lungs. This can lead to strain on the right side of the heart, a condition known as cor pulmonale. Surgery (usually removal of part of the lung, a lobectomy or an entire lung, a pneumonectomy), chemotherapy and radiotherapy are all used. Lung tissue diseases – the structure of the lung tissue is affected. Tumours of the respiratory system are either malignant or benign. Sprachwissenschaftler erklären die Benennung mit dem bereits vor langer Zeit festgestellten Phänomen, dass die Lunge eines geschlachteten Tieres als einziges Orga… NTM disease is not contagious. Get Help. Here is a list of breathing disorders with information on symptoms, causes, treatment and disease management. Treatment of respiratory system cancer depends on the type of cancer. But when immune system problems come up, they can get activated and cause serious problems in your body – and even end in death. Obstructive lung diseases are diseases of the lung where the bronchial tubes become narrowed making it hard to move air in and especially out of the lung. The findings are from a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal Plos One. Irrespective of the cause or type of lung disease, the respiratory function is almost always impaired to varying degrees. A doctor who specializes in respiratory disease is known as a pulmonologist, a chest medicine specialist, a respiratory medicine specialist, a respirologist or a thoracic medicine specialist. This is why it is very important as well that you take good care of your lungs. Interstitial lung disease comes in more than 200 different types. DENVER COLORADO. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. One in seven people in the UK are affected by some form of chronic lung disease, most commonly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. The main cause of this is known to be cigarette smoking as it is mostly seen in long time smokers. in infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS). There are many different symptoms of the said disease. Ende der 1990er Jahre definierte eine durch die WHO gegründete Expertenkommission namens „Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease“, kurz GOLD, 4 Schweregrade der Erkrankung. - South Africa's premier interactive site for all medical doctors, specialists, dentists, psychologists, hospitals, clinics and allied medical services in Cape Town, Western Cape, Johannesburg and Pretoria, Gauteng, Durban, KZN and the rest of South Africa. This name comes from the fact that those with the disease have lungs that look black instead of pink. The main causes are smoking and too much exposure to pollution. The granulomas can form in different parts of your body. Lung circulation diseases -- These diseases affect the blood vessels in the lungs. Asthma. Pulmonary arterial hypertension, elevated pressure in the pulmonary arteries. Pneumonia belongs to the types of lung diseases that pertains to infected lungs. Pulmonary oedema, leakage of fluid from capillaries of the lung into the alveoli (or air spaces). A number of other substances can also embolise (travel through the blood stream) to the lungs but they are much more rare: fat embolism (particularly after bony injury), amniotic fluid embolism (with complications of labour and delivery), air embolism (iatrogenic - caused by invasive medical procedures). Pulmonary haemorrhage can be due to auto-immune disorders such as Wegener's Granulomatosis and Goodpasture's syndrome. The affected lung “collapses” like a deflated balloon. Everyone comes into contact with NTM, but it usually only causes infection in people with underlying lung disease, such as bronchiectasis or COPD, a weakened immune system or older age. There are people who get this but do not show any signs and symptoms as it can sleep in your body. Venereal disease; syphilis: LUMBAGO: Back pain: LUNG FEVER: Pneumonia: LUNG SICKNESS: Tuberculosis: LYING IN: Time of delivery of infant: MALIGNANT SORE THROAT: Diphtheria: MANIA: Insanity: MARASMUS : Progressive wasting away of body, like malnutrition: MEMBRANOUS CROUP: Diphtheria: MENINGITIS: Inflations of brain or spinal cord: METRITIS: Inflammation of uterus or … The study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. With sarcoidosis, some of your blood cells bunch together to form tiny lumps called granulomas. Grippe can be any kind of contagious viral disease, but traditionally it was used for what we now call influenza. International Conference. Infections can affect any part of the respiratory system. In bronchitis, the bronchial passages of the lungs get inflamed and hence cause serious lung problems. These include diseases of the lung, pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, upper respiratory tract and of the nerves and muscles of breathing. Black lung disease (coal worker’s pneumoconiosis) Respiratory Syncytial Virus; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; Silicosis; Sleep Apnea; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; Tuberculosis; Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) Wegener’s Granulomatosis; Lung Disease Symptoms and Treatments. Prostate cancer, germ cell cancer and renal cell carcinoma may also metastasize to the lung. It concerns alveolar epithelium, pulmonary capillary endothelium, basement membrane, and perivascular and perilymphatictissues. Below are short explanations of these five deadly diseases and what to … This is because chronic bronchitis is merely caused by the blocking of the airways and bronchioles in the lungs that causes difficulty in breathing and coughs of the septum that can be managed. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), an example of an obstrutive lung disease, is where the airways become damaged, causing them to narrow. Chronic granulomatous disease. It may also be due to inflammation of the pleura itself as can occur with infection, pulmonary embolus, tuberculosis, mesothelioma and other conditions. Long story cut short, these types of lung diseases pertain to the illness where a person is unable to breathe and exhale normally, which can lead to more serious problems. Characterised by a high neutrophil count, e.g. Some lung diseases can lead to respiratory failure. Respiratory diseases range from mild and self-limiting such as the common cold to life-threatening such as bacterial pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. Children's interstitial lung disease. There are a number of types of lung diseases that render these air sacs unable to function correctly and most of them are very serious health issues. Asthma is another example of an obstructive lung disease, (and of an inflammatory lung disease). Types of Lung Disease . It includes conditions such as pneumonia and interstitial lung disease. Grippe. E.g. The inflammation and scarring make it hard to get enough oxygen. There are..." } Tulare County, California The most common cause of this would be germs and bacteria as well as viruses in the body. Restrictive lung diseases (also known as interstitial lung diseases) are a category of respiratory disease characterized by a loss of lung compliance, causing incomplete lung expansion and increased lung stiffness. Farmer's lung is a disease caused by an allergy to the mold in certain crops. This is why it is very important that you are able to make sure that you know the types of lung diseases to be able to do whatever you can to make sure that you are able to keep your lungs safe and healthy at all times. It is usually due to congestive heart failure. A pneumonia may develop complications such as a lung abscess, a round cavity in the lung caused by the infection, or may spread to the pleural cavity. Other pathogens such as viruses and fungi can cause pneumonia for example severe acute respiratory syndrome and pneumocystis pneumonia. The symptoms may also vary from … Here is the list of most common lung diseases in the world. Some old-fashioned names for diseases sound worse than others. It affects men, women, children, smokers, non-smokers and individuals who have never smoked. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Interstitial Lung Disease (11 drugs in 4 topics) Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (2 drugs) Nasal Congestion (188 drugs) Pleural Effusion (11 drugs in 2 topics) Pleuropulmonary Infection (176 drugs in 5 topics) Pulmonary Heart or Vascular Disease (36 drugs in 8 topics) Respiratory Depression (1 drug) Tuberculosis is of the types of lung diseases that is caused by lymph node infections by bacteria. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) The symptoms of the lung diseases totally depends upon its type. Interstitial lung disease (ILD), or diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD), is a group of respiratory diseases affecting the interstitium (the tissue and space around the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs. The Lung Association is here to help. May 2015 Dear Colleagues, The scope of the American Thoracic Society is amazingly broad - covering pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. … The alveoli are the air sacs that are found at the end of the lungs airways. Emphysema. As far back as 2012 scientific research had shown that vaccines created to defeat coronavirus are liable to cause lung disease in the recipient of the vaccine. There are different kinds of Pneumonia like Bacterial Pneumonia, Viral Pneumonia, Mycoplasma Pneumonia and other kinds. Large pulmonary emboli are fatal, causing sudden death. Restrictive lung disease is a group of conditions that prevent the lungs from expanding to full capacity and filling with air. Respiratory disease is the term for diseases of the respiratory system. It is, however, known to be the most preventable of all cancer types. Asbestos fibers are also known to be a cause of it as well as radon gas. Rare Lung Disease Guide May 15 - May 20. Die Atembeschwerden sind schwach ausgeprägt. Types Of White Blood Cells And Their Functions. These diseases are among five of the most deadly lung problems you can develop. interstitial lung disease in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (polymyositis, dermatomyositis, anti-synthetase syndrome) interstitial lung disease in Sjögren syndrome. Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia. This is a group of lung conditions that includes sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and autoimmune disease. A. The most common upper respiratory tract infection is the common cold however, infections of specific organs of the upper respiratory tract such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis and laryngitis are also considered upper respiratory tract infections. The great majority of NTM lung disease in the U.S. is caused by Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). One in seven people in the UK are affected by some form of chronic lung disease, most commonly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. A list of diseases affecting the lungs can also include asthma, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, Influenza, pulmonary arterial hypertension, respiratory syncytial virus, … This may be due to fluid shifting from the bloodstream into the pleural cavity due to conditions such as congestive heart failure and cirrhosis. GOLD-Stadium: GOLD-Stadium 1 (Anfangsstadium) Die Lungenfunktion weicht um bis zu 20 % vom Sollwert ab. Pneumonia usually starts by breathing of germs into the lungs. Medically, it is a type of pneumoconiosis called coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP). The term lung disease refers to many disorders affecting the lungs, such as asthma, COPD, infections like influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis, lung cancer, and many other breathing problems. In the US, people suffer 1 billion colds per year. Hospitals and Clinics - Private Hospitals, Medical Conferences and Events South Africa, Medical Jobs / Vacancies / Locums - South Africa, Medical Tourism in Cape Town and South Africa, Psychologists - Educational Psychologists, Surgeons - ENT/ Ear Nose and Throat Specialists, Surgeons - Orthopaedic Surgeons / Specialists. Worldwide, tuberculosis is an important cause of pneumonia. asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or acute respiratory distress syndrome. They affect the ability of the lungs to … If lung disease is taking your breath, you do not have to deal with it alone. Pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis are examples of lung tissue disease. This may cause blood to be coughed up. The 2012 study explains that the pathogen, acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged in China in 2002 and spread to other countries before brought … A tension pneumothorax is a particularly severe form of this condition where the air in the pleural cavity cannot escape, so the pneumothorax keeps getting bigger until it compresses the heart and blood vessels, leading to a life threatening situation. Black lung disease is a common name for any lung disease that develops from inhaling coal dust. There came pneumonia and grippe, stalking among them, seeking for weakened constitutions; there was the annual harvest of those whom tuberculosis had been dragging down. Congenital lobar emphysema. Interstitial lung disease is the name for a group of more than 200 ongoing (chronic) lung disorders. A collection of fluid in the pleural cavity is known as a pleural effusion. TB crops up a lot in pop culture under different names… These diseases inflame or scar the lungs. of unknown cause) but it can be due to the effects of another disease, particularly COPD. Interstitial (in-tur-STISH-ul) lung disease describes a large group of disorders, most of which cause progressive scarring of lung tissue. interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis. interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis. Respiratory disease is responsible for over 10% of hospitalizations and over 16% of deaths in Canada (including lung cancer). The symptoms and course of these diseases may vary from person to person. It can start with a simple cough, fever and shortness of breath. Dept. There are different categories of lungs diseases, for example, inflammatory, obstructive and restrictive lungs diseases. Interstitial lung disease in connective tissue diseases. The scarring is called pulmonary fibrosis. The lungs are very important organs and the types of lung diseases can cause serious health problems. Classical-like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. A pneumothorax is a hole in the pleura covering the lung allowing air in the lung to escape into the pleural cavity. Lung disease can be acute, subacute or chronic although the term ‘lung disease’ is more commonly used to refer to subacute and chronic pathologies. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of … Ordinarily, the body generates just the right amount of tissue to repair damage, but in interstitial lung dis… It is a swelling of one or both the lungs that is usually caused by an infection. Breast cancer may invade directly through local spread, and through lymph node metastases. Most commonly it is idiopathic (i.e. Asthma attacks can be as simple and light as shortness of breath. Obstructive lung diseases involve blocked or narrowed airways, making it difficult for the lungs to exhale and exchange old air for fresh air. It can also affect other organs, like your skin, eyes, lymph nodes and brain. Respiratory disease is responsible for over 10% of hospitalizations and over 16% of deaths in Canada (including lung cancer). The scarring associated with interstitial lung disease eventually affects your ability to breathe and get enough oxygen into your bloodstream.Interstitial lung disease can be caused by long-term exposure to hazardous materials, such as asbestos. But just like any cancer, genetics plays a huge part of lung cancer too and hence you must take good care of your lungs if you have the family history. Can sleep in your body 86,000 people are likely living with NTM lung disease ( )... Fibrosis ( IPF ) lung disease in the US, people suffer 1 billion per! Lung problems you can develop lungs get inflamed and hence cause serious lung problems you develop! And too much exposure to pollution some old-fashioned names for diseases sound worse than others as. 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