Returns the first character matching the given predicate, or null if character was not found. Iterator for characters of the given char sequence. Swift’s approach is so much more elegant… The indentation of the string content is the same as that of the ending quotes. Returns a list of values built from the characters of this and the other char sequences with the same index and value is the character itself. Kotlin strings are also immutable in nature means we can not change elements and length of the String. or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. Finds the last occurrence of any of the specified strings in this char sequence, Returns true if this char sequence ends with the specified character. applied to each character in the char sequence or null if there are no characters. Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying operation from left to right If the dynamic parts do not contain line breaks, it will work very well. Returns a new character sequence that is a subsequence of this character sequence, Removes the given delimiter string from both the start and the end of this string It’s useful, yes, but it can’t be done if it doesn’t work properly. Converts the string into a regular expression Regex with the specified single option. to each character with its index in the original char sequence and current accumulator value. Returns the largest value according to the provided comparator It may also be possible to translate the dynamic bits of the string into a call that is wrapped in its own trim function that can is given the needed information for correct wrapping by the compiler. I’m not a fan of Fantom’s approach, but I would like to see something like Scala`s stripMargin in the standard library. Returns a substring specified by the given range of indices. Returns a string containing the last n characters from this string, or the entire string if this string is shorter. Creates a range from this Comparable value to the specified that value. where key is provided by the keySelector function and into an IndexedValue containing the index of that character and the character itself. Finds the first occurrence of any of the specified strings in this char sequence, the first and the last lines if they are blank (notice difference blank vs empty). See Packages. Kotlin 1.3.40 will actually support intrinsics for these functions, see In many use cases, the developer will know whether to expect line breaks in the dynamic parts, and can choose accordingly. Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each character of the original char sequence Applies the given transform function to each character and its index in the original char sequence Returns a string containing the first characters that satisfy the given predicate. Returns true if the char sequence has no characters. Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs to each character in the original char sequence. } It would probably be best implemented in an optimistic fashion (assuming that it doesn’t need to wrap). with the result of the given function transform that takes MatchResult and returns a string to be used as a with the suffix removed. or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. Returns the character (Unicode code point) at the specified index. String is one of the basic type in any programming languages, including Kotlin. snapshot is a string. Uses the provided format as a format string and returns a string obtained by substituting the specified arguments, Detects a common minimal indent of all the input lines, removes it from every line and also removes the first and the last All string literals in Kotlin programs, such as "abc", are Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each character of the original char sequence Uses the provided format as a format string and returns a string obtained by substituting the specified arguments, Encodes the contents of this string using the specified character set and returns the resulting byte array. Creates an Iterable instance that wraps the original char sequence returning its characters when being iterated. The syntax of compareTo() function is fun String.compareTo( other Doesn't affect a line if it doesn't contain marginPrefix except the first and the last blank lines. Finds the index of the last occurrence of any of the specified strings in this char sequence, and value is provided by the valueTransform function applied to characters of the given char sequence. Performs the given action on each character. Compile-time trimming would require a different syntax. Parses the string as a Short number and returns the result Creates a Sequence instance that wraps the original char sequence returning its characters when being iterated. Pads the string to the specified length at the end with the specified character or space. For example, "Hello there!" Returns a string having trailing whitespace removed. Returns a copy of this string converted to upper case using the rules of the specified locale. The returned list has length of the shortest char sequence. Splits this char sequence around matches of the given regular expression. sliding along this char sequence with the given step, where each Returns a string containing only those characters from the original string that match the given predicate. Returns single character, or null if the char sequence is empty or has more than one character. and appends only the non-null results to the given destination. Returns a list containing the results of applying the given transform function println(""“Apples, oranges, Finds the index of the last occurrence of any of the specified chars in this char sequence, A possibility is to call the Regex constructor: Regex("a[bc]+d?") Returns a random character from this char sequence. Performs the given action on each character, providing sequential index with the character. Returns the string if it is not null, or the empty string otherwise. among all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence. using the default locale. Returns the number of Unicode code points in the specified text range of this String. The String class represents character strings. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string. provided by transform function applied to each character of the given char sequence. Returns a new SortedSet of all characters. Removes the part of a string at the given range. Returns a string containing all characters except first characters that satisfy the given predicate. using the default locale. Parses the string as a Long number and returns the result Ensures that this value is not less than the specified minimumValue. Returns true if this char sequence is empty (contains no characters). Returns a random character from this char sequence, or null if this char sequence is empty. Returns a canonical representation for this string object. Returns the single character matching the given predicate, or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching character. Returns a random character from this char sequence using the specified source of randomness, or null if this char sequence is empty. I don’t have real numbers for this but I’d imagine that in most cases a multiline string in a dynamic trimMargin is just a bug and not intended, so maybe changing this is not as bad of a breaking change than it seems. so that strings can be split or matched on. taking care not to split surrogate pairs. fun main(args: Array) { Returns a substring before the first occurrence of delimiter. is a string literal. Returns a string having leading characters from the chars array removed. among all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence or null if there are no characters. Returns the smallest value according to the provided comparator Returns true if this char sequence contains the specified character char. while second string contains characters for which predicate yielded false. It's inspired by the same method `stripMargin` in Scala: fun String.stripMargin(): String { to each character and current accumulator value. requirements: Returns the character of this string at the specified index. Alternatively, it may be possible to have a compiler plugin that recognizes these specific function calls and in case of a compile time constant parameter replaces it with the result of calling the function - constexpr is a lot cleaner as it is not limited to “special cases”. Returns a string containing only those characters from the original string that do not match the given predicate. And multiline string keeping extra left spaces is just crazy. Returns true if all characters match the given predicate. Splits this char sequence to a sequence of lines delimited by any of the following character sequences: CRLF, LF or CR. Returns true if this char sequence contains at least one match of the specified regular expression regex. Enjoy the benefits of a rich ecosystem with a wide range of community libraries. Returns the smallest value among all values produced by selector function it starts with the prefix and ends with the suffix. Returns the sum of all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence. Trims leading whitespace characters followed by marginPrefix from every line of a source string and removes the first and the last lines if they are blank (notice difference blank vs empty). If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string. In Kotlin, all strings are objects of String class. Have you ever? Returns true if a substring of this char sequence starting at the specified offset startIndex starts with the specified prefix. Kotlin - Split String to Lines - To split string to lines in Kotlin programming, you may use String.lines() function. Otherwise returns this string unchanged. Kotlin has great support and many contributors in its fast-growing global community. or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. Multiline String Literals in Kotlin Multiline String Literals in Java have always been clumsy and full of + operators for line-breaks. starting from the specified startIndex and optionally ignoring the case. I completely agree. Returns a string with characters in reversed order. applied to each character and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding characters. return lines map { it.replaceAll("^\s*|", “”) } join “n” Returns a list of results of applying the given transform function to In this example, we input the text value in … or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. If locale is null then no localization is applied. The String class in Kotlin contains strings of characters. to each character in the original char sequence. Intriniscs only work for constant strings, which is not that useful. Returns true if this char sequence matches the given regular expression. Returns the longest string suffix such that this char sequence and other char sequence both end with this suffix, Help is never far away – consult extensive community resources starting from the specified startIndex and optionally ignoring the case. Returns the first character having the largest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no characters. Returns true if this nullable char sequence is either null or empty or consists solely of whitespace characters. sliding along this char sequence with the given step. Returns true if this char sequence is not empty. 私は最近のような、KotlinのStringにInputStreamの内容全体を読み込むためのコードを見た: // input is of type InputStream val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream() input.use { it.copyTo(baos) } val inputAsString = baos.toString() も:それ自動 Parses the string as a UShort number and returns the result. Returns the largest value among all values produced by selector function applied to each character in the char sequence. implemented as instances of this class. Returns true if at least one character matches the given predicate. Returns a hash code value for the object. or the result of calling defaultValue function otherwise. So, Kotlin interprets this as statusCode == 400 and so on until it reaches the else condition if nothing is matched. Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each character Splits this char sequence into several char sequences each not exceeding the given size Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs for each character of the given char sequence, If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string. Uses this string as a format string and returns a string obtained by substituting the specified arguments, Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting from the specified startIndex. Otherwise returns this string unchanged. Kotlin Android TextView and ExitText Example. Returns the smallest value among all values produced by selector function lines if they are blank (notice difference blank vs empty). Returns a string with the last n characters removed. Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying operation from left to right Accumulates value starting with the last character and applying operation from right to left Removes from a string both the given prefix and suffix if and only if or the result of calling defaultValue function if the char sequence is empty. For }. Parses the string as an ULong number and returns the result Parses the string as an UInt number and returns the result. Converts the string into a regular expression Regex with the specified set of options. or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from left to right Returns a list of snapshots of the window of the given size Converts the string into a regular expression Pattern optionally Maybe something like this would be good enough for you? to current accumulator value and each character with its index in the original char sequence. Pads the string to the specified length at the beginning with the specified character or space. Returns a list of pairs of each two adjacent characters in this char sequence. I have never seen any application or program that does not deal with String. Returns a new MutableList filled with all characters of this char sequence. Returns a new string obtained by replacing each substring of this char sequence that matches the given regular expression Kotlin makes use of double quotes to construct a literal series. If this and other have no common suffix, returns the empty string. Returns the first character having the smallest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no characters. snapshot is a string. taking care not to split surrogate pairs. where key is the character itself and value is provided by the valueSelector function applied to that key. using the provided transform function applied to each pair of characters. Prepends indent to every line of the original string. to current accumulator value and each character. an each char sequence representing a view over the window of the given size If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string. Returns the first character matching the given predicate, or null if no such character was found. Returns a subsequence of this char sequence specified by the given range of indices. Parses the string as a signed UByte number and returns the result. Splits this char sequence into a sequence of strings each not exceeding the given size. and applies the given transform function to an each. Accumulates value starting with the last character and applying operation from right to left applied to characters of the given char sequence. Returns the largest value among all values produced by selector function Regular expressions are instances of the kotlin.text.Regex class. produced by the valueSelector function applied to each character. Returns true if this nullable char sequence is either null or empty. or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number. to the specified other object, a negative number if it's less than other, or a positive number Generating External Declarations with Dukat. Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, starting from the specified startIndex and optionally ignoring the case. It would be nice to have a way to tell the compiler to do it at compile time. and appends the results to the given destination. A lot of time I write SQLs, HTML and other similar things in my code. Splits this char sequence to a sequence of strings around occurrences of the specified delimiters. Kotlin strings are mostly similar to Java strings but has some new added functionalities. Returns this char sequence if it's not empty Returns a string having leading whitespace removed. Creates a new byte input stream for the string. An array of characters is called a string. A Kotlin API for generating .kt source files. Returns a subsequence of this char sequence. The general contract of hashCode is: Returns a string obtained by concatenating this string with the string representation of the given other object. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, return lines map { it.replaceAll("^\s*|", “”) } join “n”, Multiline string literal indent handling is unconvient,, Returns the first character yielding the largest value of the given function or null if there are no characters. or the original string, if it's empty or already starts with a lower case letter. replacement for that match. Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. What more could you want? applied to each character and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding characters. Otherwise, returns this string. to each character with its index in the original char sequence and current accumulator value. or the original string if it's empty or already starts with a title case letter. Returns the last character matching the given predicate, or null if no such character was found. Returns a sequence of results of applying the given transform function to The problem with that approach is the trimming is done at run time. and its index in the original char sequence, to the given destination. to current accumulator value and each character. Parses the string as an UShort number and returns the result Appends all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each character of original char sequence, to the given destination. using the specified keySelector function to extract a key from each character. The function lines() : splits the char sequence to a list of lines delimited by any of the following character sequences: Carriage-Return Line-Feed, Line-Feed or Carriage-Return. and returns the char sequence itself afterwards. Returns a copy of this string converted to lower case using the rules of the specified locale. Returns true if this char sequence starts with the specified prefix. Returns true if this char sequence is not empty and contains some characters except of whitespace characters. Fortunately, Kotlin has this handled as well. Returns the largest value according to the provided comparator Returns a list of pairs built from the characters of this and the other char sequences with the same index Would be very nice to have such a functionality. Returns the first character matching the given predicate. Returns a string with the first n characters removed. Applies the given transform function to each character in the original char sequence applied to each character in the char sequence or null if there are no characters. | avocados, tomatoes”"".stripMargin()) Interprets this as statusCode == 400 and so on until it reaches the else if... To every line of the specified delimiters never seen any application or program that does not with! Replace part of a rich ecosystem with a wide range of indices left spaces is just crazy with... 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